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Sunday, December 28, 2014


You would think that returning to Tenwek, Kenya would get easier with repetition.  As we prepare to leave on January 26, 2015; there have been more questions and concerns than previous years.  The most frequent question this year, “Do they have Ebola there?”  Kenya is in East Africa and the outbreak of Ebola is in West Africa that is very far away from where we will be.  However, we all know that it can be found even in the United States.  We always are concerned about disease exposures and keep our vaccinations up to date as well as taking anti-malaria medicines.

A new preparation for Miriam, has been the reality of knee replacement and back surgery.  The prayer was that both these procedures will improve mobility on the hills of this beautiful place. The progress has been slow, but steady, and we pray for continued healing.

One of the visions for Tenwek has been to establish a residency in Women's Health.  I have been asked to help develop a curriculum.  The translation of curricula between cultures that will improve the health of women in Kenya is difficult.  It is also a long term process.  Pray for discernment on the implementation of new programs that meet the educational needs.
